In a surprising turn of events, a 45-year-old farmer, Abubakari Numburu, has been sentenced to five years in prison for making a threatening phone call to the District Chief Executive (DCE) of Chereponi in the North East Region. Numburu, from Kwame Nansoni, pleaded guilty, leading the Yendi Circuit court to find him in violation of Section 75 of the Criminal Offences Act 1960, Act 29, and subsequently, he was incarcerated.

The prosecution, led by D/C/Inspector Nicodemus York, revealed that on November 20, 2023, Numburu threatened the DCE, Nashiru Zuwera Muda, over the phone, stating, "I will kill you if you dare enter Chereponi." Alarmed by the threat, Muda promptly reported the incident to the Chereponi police, who, with the assistance of National Security, apprehended Numburu.

During the interrogation, Numburu admitted guilt in his caution statement, leading Judge H/H Justice Francis Ayamwuni Asobayire to impose a five-year prison term. The judge cited Section 75 of Act 29, which considers threatening someone with death, with the intent of making them fear for their life, as a second-degree felony.

This story serves as a reminder of the legal consequences associated with making threats that intend to instill fear, underscoring the importance of maintaining public safety and order.