Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia said that Ghanaians would soon be able to buy cars on credit because to the Ghana Card and the nation's economic digital technology.

Speaking on November 24 at the 57th Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) event, he explained that discussions are now underway in that consideration with a number of Ghanaian automakers.

The Vice President stated that, Solar Taxi is one such company that has agreed to carry out the plan. He said that a Ghana Card would be required for the buyer to finish the transaction.

Furthermore,Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia stated that by the next year, a personal credit score will be established and made available to the whole public.

The solution is to clear the banking sector of the mistrust that has increased operating costs and promoted stability by providing each individual with a verifiable credit history.

"The Ghana Card will serve as the cornerstone of the country's credit system, and it will require a few local automakers, most notably Solar Taxi, to offer credit to consumers for cars," he stated. "All they'll require Your Ghana card will be required at the moment of purchase. You will be given a car, and you will make payments subsequently.

"Ghana will launch a personal credit rating system the following year. Each person will own a credit score. We are viewed as potentially risky since we do not currently have a financial score system in place," he stated.