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The US House of Representatives authorises an investigation into Biden's impeachment.


The formal vote to begin the process of formalising the House of Representatives' investigation into President Joe Biden's impeachment was taken. This party-line vote is centred on a resolution that Republicans claim will improve their capacity to obtain information and compel compliance with the law. Republicans-led House committees have brought up allegations of bribery and corruption during Biden's vice-presidential term, but hard proof is still hard to come by. Biden adamantly refutes any misconduct, attributing the charges to what he perceives to be an opposition campaign of lies.

Although there is no immediate call for impeachment following the vote to authorise an inquiry, the likelihood of such proceedings is increased. By a narrow margin of eight seats, the Republican-dominated House approved the investigation 221 to 212.

Although House Speaker Mike Johnson stressed that the chamber would not anticipate the investigation's conclusion, he also emphasised the significance of the current body of evidence. Biden has a lot on his plate, especially with an election year approaching and the possibility of a formal impeachment probe, a House vote, and a Senate trial. Even still, the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, is expected to clear the president, even in the event that the House chooses to impeach him.

Biden denounced the action, calling it a vacuous political ploy devoid of empirical backing. Republicans launched the investigation on the grounds that Biden is part of a "culture of corruption" and that, between 2014 and 2019, his family took in more than $24 million from overseas. Hunter Biden, the central figure in these assertions, The son of the president is accused of peddling influence and selling access.

The White House refutes accusations of non-cooperation, characterizing the inquiry as an abuse of power by House Republicans. As political tensions escalate, the potential repercussions on Biden's standing with American voters, especially as he prepares for re-election in 2024, remain a focal point of attention.

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